
How To Tell How Old Your Cat Is [Guide 2022]

For many cat owners, determining the age of a pet can be difficult. Whether you are considering adopting a cat and need to know how old they are or your vet needs to know their age in order to provide the most appropriate care, it’s important to be able to tell what that number means.

There are a few different ways to figure out how old your cat is in human years; by looking at their teeth, counting the number of whiskers they have, or using a special chart.

Read this article and find out how to determine your cat’s age. It will give you some tips on what signs to look for in order to know how to tell how old your cat is.

How To Tell If Your Cat Is A Kitten

One of the first things many people want to know after they adopt a cat is how old their new feline friend is. While you can take your cat to the vet for an accurate estimate, there are also some ways you can tell at home whether your cat is a kitten or not:

  • One way to tell how old your cat is by looking at their teeth. Kittens will start to lose their baby teeth around 4 months old. A kitten’s incisors, or front teeth, will be sharp and pointy, while an adult cat’s will be more blunted. So if your cat has very sharp teeth, it’s likely to be younger than one with more worn-down teeth. You can also look at the color of your cat’s teeth, kittens will have white teeth while adult cats’ teeth may be yellowed from years of use. If your cat has all of their adult teeth, they are probably at least a year old. If they are missing any teeth, they are likely younger than a year.
  • Another way to tell if your cat is a kitten is by feeling their bones. Kittens have softer bones than adult cats, so if you gently press on your cat’s legs or spine you should be able to feel this difference.
  • You can also look at your cat’s eyes to help estimate their age. Young kittens will have blue eyes, which will change to green or yellow as they get older. Adult cats will have green, yellow, or gold eyes. Kittens also tend to have larger heads and eyes in proportion to their bodies than adult cats do.

If you’re still unsure about how old your cat is, taking them to the vet for a check-up is always the best option.

Determining Your Cat’s Age By Genes


One of the questions we get asked most often is “How can I tell how old my cat is?” Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to that question. Age determination in cats is a bit of a guessing game, and there are a number of factors that can influence how accurate your estimate will be.

That said, there are a few methods you can use to get a general idea of how old your cat is. One is to look at your cat’s coat. kittens have very different coats than adult cats; they’re usually softer, fluffier, and more downy. As cats age, their coats tend to become coarser and thinner. So if your cat has a very soft, downy coat, it’s likely to be younger than one with a harsh, coarse coat.

Determining Your Cat’s Age By Behavior


One of the first things most people want to know about their new cat is how old she is. There are a few different ways to tell how old your cat is, but behavior is usually the best indicator. Here are a few things to look for that can help you determine your cat’s age:

Activity Level

Kittens are notoriously energetic, while older cats tend to be more sedate. If your cat is constantly running and climbing, she’s probably still a kitten.

Sleeping Habits

Kittens sleep a lot, up to 20 hours a day. As they age, cats sleep less and become more active at night. If your cat is nocturnal, she’s probably an adult or senior.


Kittens are typically very social and love to play. As they age, cats become more independent and may not be as interested in playing or being around people as they once were. If your cat seems aloof or disinterested in socializing, she’s probably an adult or senior.


Kittens have small stomachs and need to eat frequently throughout the day. As they age, cats’ appetites decrease and they can usually go longer between meals.

Determining Your Cat’s Age By Measurements


One way to determine your cat’s age is by measurements. You will need to take three different measurements: the length of your cat’s body, the length of your cat’s tail, and the width of your cat’s head. Once you have these measurements, you can compare them to a chart that will tell you your cat’s age.

Life Stage Of Cats



Age determination in cats is not an exact science, but there are some methods that can give you a pretty good idea of how old your cat is. The next time someone asks you how old your cat is, you can confidently give them an answer based on the tips in this article.

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