
How To Tell How Old A Baby Rabbit Is

Rabbits are one of the most popular pet animals in the world. Not only do they have a wide range of personalities, but their ages can be a bit of a mystery, too. But how to tell how old a baby rabbit is?

You can do a few things to estimate your bunny’s age, but the most accurate way to determine a rabbit’s age is by checking their teeth. By looking at the shape, size and condition of their teeth, you can get an idea of how old your bunny is.

In this article, we’ll show you how to tell how old a baby rabbit is based on its size and markings.

How To Determine A Baby Rabbit’s Age


Rabbits are usually born in the winter and can be identified by their size. A baby rabbit will be about the size of a house cat and its fur will be soft and fuzzy. As the rabbit grows, its fur will get thicker and it will start to look like a adult rabbit. You can also measure a rabbit’s foot to determine its age. A baby rabbit’s foot will be about the same size as an adult rabbit’s foot, but it will be shorter and thinner.

Another way to determine a rabbit’s age is to watch it play and see how active it is. A baby rabbit will be very active and playful, while an older rabbit will be more laid-back.

There is no definitive answer to this question since baby rabbits grow at a rapid pace and can change dramatically in size and appearance within just a few weeks. However, you can use a number of methods to estimate a rabbit’s age:

Fur Length

A bunny’s fur may thin or disappear altogether as they reach maturity. Baby rabbits’ fur will be short and soft at first, but it will gradually become longer and harder over time as they grow older. When a baby rabbit is 1 week old, its fur should be about 1/8th of an inch long; by 3 weeks old, it should be about 1/4th of an inch long; by 5 weeks old, it should be about 1/2 inch long; and by 6-8 weeks old, the fur will be about an inch long. You can also look for patches of fur that are white or light colored, which indicates they are growing faster than the other rabbits.

Tooth Development


A rabbit’s teeth should come in around the same time, and their scent will change as they get older. Rabbits start to develop teeth around 3-4 weeks old. At first, the teeth are small and black and they will continue to grow in size and complexity until the rabbit is about 6 weeks old. To determine how many teeth a rabbit has, gently probe the front teeth with your finger – the number of tooth rows (series) will be visible. Generally speaking, young rabbits have 4-6 tooth rows, adults have 8-10 tooth rows, and older rabbits may have up to 12 or more. Here are some guidelines to help you determine your bunny’s age based on its teeth:

  • Baby teeth: Around 3-6 weeks old.
  • Adult teeth: Around 6-10 weeks old.
  • Permanent teeth: Around 10-12 weeks old.

Muscle Mass

Baby rabbits have little muscle mass, so you can’t really tell how old they are based on this metric. However, as rabbits grow older, their muscle mass will increase and they will start to look more mature.


Different rabbits will act differently at different ages, so it can be hard to tell how old a baby rabbit is. However, some signs that your bunny is getting older are that it’s starting to hide more, becoming more agitated and restless, or not eating as much. In general, adult rabbits are quite active and playful. Young bunnies, on the other hand, usually spend more time sleeping, eating, and playing.

Hearing and Vision


Hearing and vision in rabbits are very different from those of humans. A baby rabbit’s ears may not be fully developed, and their eyesight may not be as good as an adult rabbit’s. However, their hearing and sense of smell is quite advanced.

A baby rabbit’s hearing is very sensitive to sound. They can hear sounds that humans can’t usually hear, such as the sound of a bird or another rabbit sneaking up on them.

Baby rabbits also have a good sense of smell. They can smell things that adults can’t, like food or water. This is because their noses are so close to their ears.

Most baby rabbits start to learn how to see around the time they’re six weeks old. At this time, their eyes will start to focus better and they’ll start to see more colors.


Babies are different from adults in many ways, so it can be tricky to tell how old a baby rabbit is. Here are some clues: if the bunny is eating solid food and drinking water, it is about 6 weeks old; if the bunny is not eating or drinking, it is probably older. A pregnant rabbit will also start to show signs of being pregnant around 6 weeks old.

Understanding Baby Rabbits


Understanding baby rabbits can be a little tricky, but with a little patience and some basic knowledge of their anatomy, you can get a good idea of how old your bunny is. Here are more ways to determine a baby rabbit’s age:

  • Sex: Babies are usually either male or female, but this can sometimes change later on in life.
  • The size of its eyes: Baby rabbits’ eyes will be smaller than those of adults and will also be located further apart on their head.
  • The shape of its ears: Baby rabbits’ ears will be more pointed than those of adult rabbits and they may not have fully developed hearing capabilities yet.
  • The position of its pelvis and anus: Baby rabbits will typically have their rear ends higher up on their bodies than adults, meaning that their anal opening will be situated closer to the top of their bodies.
  • Their bones: As baby rabbits grow, their bones will become thicker. You can look for the beginnings of a tailbone and the tips of the ribs.


Rabbits are one of the most popular pets in the world, and for good reason. They are adorable, low-maintenance animals that make great family companions. While there are a few things to watch out for when taking a rabbit into your home, understanding how to tell how old a baby rabbit is is likely at the top of your list. In this article, we discussed some of the key signs you can look for to determine when a rabbit is ready to be adopted. Thanks for reading!

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